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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: do not accept the Japanese side roots Memorial “protest“

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/20 9:18:01 Browse times: 259 Comment times: 0

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: do not accept the Japanese side roots Memorial “protest“(外交部:不接受日方对安重根纪念馆“抗议”)

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: do not accept the Japanese side roots Memorial "protest" | | foreign roots Memorial | Japan _ news

January 20, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Web site, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei 20th monthly press conference, United States Deputy Secretary of State William Burns visited China and Syria issues, root Memorial answering a reporter's question.

Hong Lei, to begin by expressing this morning, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qin Gang has announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin invited, President, XI Jinping, will be held between February 6 and Russia attended the opening ceremony of the 22nd Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be 21st in the Blue Hall of the Chinese and foreign press briefing, invited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vice Minister Cheng Guoping, Deputy Director of the State Sport General Administration of Yang Shuan introduction President XI Jinping, who was invited to Russia in Sochi, attended the opening ceremony of the 22nd Winter Olympic Games the situation. Welcome to attend.

  Hong Lei's subsequent releases:

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon invited, Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi on January 22 went to Switzerland to attend Syria Geneva Conference for the second time.

At the same time, Schwab, Chairman of the World Economic Forum should be invited, Minister Wang Yi will also attend when Switzerland annual meeting of the world economic forum to be held in 2014.

China believes that Syria is the second Geneva Conference on promoting political settlement of Syria issues an important opportunity, and hope that all parties will seize the opportunity and actively participate in meetings, adhere to aspirations expressed through dialogue and negotiation, to play an active role, commitment and promote a comprehensive, balanced and effective implementation of the communiqué of the meeting in Geneva, substantive start the process of the political settlement, Syria and the peoples of the region a peaceful homeland. The Chinese side will, as always, play a constructive role for the promotion of a positive outcome of the Conference.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi to the Davos World Economic Forum, will combine the theme topic of the Forum and the international community's concerns to China, describes 18 plenary session comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up policy initiatives on major challenges faced by the current world economic situation, and the development of Chinese philosophy, foreign policy and other issues, advocates.

  Q: today Foreign Minister Wang Yi on the Syria issue an interview with Chinese media, political settlement of Syria made a five-point proposition, please describe the relevant claims before the Chinese side Syria relations advocate on the issue.

A: Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Syria issue before the Geneva Conference for the second time an interview with Chinese media, emphasized the promote political settlement of Syria question should fulfill "five-stick".

First, through political means to resolve the Syria issue. Geneva meeting marked the beginning of dialogue and negotiation, it should be an ongoing process. Syria parties not only to tell about, you should also go on until about the results. Geneva meetings should also be an open platform, doors to all efforts for a political solution of peace talks Syria factions opened.

Second is insisting that Syria people decide the country's future. The international community should insist on defending the United Nations Charter and the basic norms of international relations, is committed to maintaining Syria's sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity, respect for Syria the wishes and choices of the people. Syria adopted a balanced, impartial attitude among all parties, constantly creating favourable conditions for a political transition programme, providing the necessary environment and should refrain from externally imposed political solutions.

Third, we insist on promoting inclusive political transition process. China hopes Syria from the future fate of the country, and Syria the overall interests of the people, to muster the political will, proceeding from their respective positions, out of a reference to international and regional experience, in line with their own national conditions, taking into account Syria the interests of all parties, "middle way".

Four stuck in Syria to achieve national reconciliation and unity. To achieve national reconciliation, is Syria faces a long and arduous task. Process of national reconciliation is political resolve Syria issues an important part of, and should advance in parallel with the political transition process and complementary.

Five, insists on Syria and neighboring countries for humanitarian aid. The international community should invest more in Syria's humanitarian assistance to the people. Syria called for the Parties shall, in accordance with the Council, fully cooperate with the United Nations and the relevant international institutions in all humanitarian relief efforts in areas affected by the conflict, providing safe and unimpeded access.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi raised "five-stick", is in preparation for the Syria of the second Geneva Conference on critical moments, one of the major initiatives taken in China. In Syria on the issue, China has no self-interest, has consistently adhered to an objective and impartial position. "Five-stick" is the inheritance and development of China's consistent stance. Combined with the latest situation, the Chinese side clearly presented Syria both sides should embark on a "middle way" of views and ideas. As a permanent member of the Security Council, China will continue to uphold the classification and the long-term interests of Nations and peoples, properly resolve Syria issues for their tireless efforts.

  Q: it is reported that the US State Department Secretary for Asia-Pacific Affairs, Russell would visit China accompanied by us Deputy Secretary of State William Burns, in the near future, please confirm and describe the situation.

A: United States Deputy Secretary of State William Burns would visit China January 21. China last week published the news.

Agreed to by both sides, Burns was accompanied by Deputy Secretary of State's visit to China the United States Department of State Minister for Asia-Pacific Affairs, Russell will work with Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang on January 22 in Beijing, co-chaired the Fifth Sino-US consultations for Asia-Pacific Affairs. The two sides will discuss Asia-Pacific situation, the Asia-Pacific policy and exchange views on regional issues of common concern.

  Q: Syria opposition "National Alliance", unless the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to withdraw invited Iran to participate in second Geneva Conference on classification, will not be participating. Does China think Iran should Syria play a role at the meeting?

Answer: a political solution is Syria the only viable way out of the problem, Syria parties should adhere to the aspirations expressed in the dialogue and negotiations. We call upon Syria to participate actively in Syria at the second Geneva Conference, commitment and promote a comprehensive, balanced and effective implementation of the Geneva Gazette. China attaches importance to and supports the countries in the region a political solution to Syria to play an active role on the issue.

  Q: Egypt 18th the Supreme Electoral Committee announced that Egypt to 98.1% support for adoption of the new Constitution. China's comment on this?

A: a few days ago, Egypt's new draft Constitution passed the referendum, which is Egypt's political transition process is an important and positive step, we welcome it. Hope Egypt continues to advance inclusive political transition in an orderly process, achieve national stability and development as soon as possible.

  Q: on January 17, Madagascar presidential election result announced, Eli was elected President for a new term. China got any comments on this?

A: China to congratulate Eli was elected President for a new term in the hope that through this election ended the political crisis in Madagascar, took to the path of lasting stability, development and revitalization.

China has been constructive participation in the political process of crisis resolution, twice last year mission to observe the election. An early end to the political crisis, will create favourable conditions for the horses to expand cooperation in various fields. China attaches importance to developing relations with Madagascar and is ready to work with Malaysia to work together to push forward the continuous development of Sino-Malaysian friendly cooperation relations, further benefit the two peoples.

  Q: yesterday, Chinese roots in the construction of Memorial Hall opening ceremony was held in Harbin, Japan protested to the Chinese side on this. China's comment on this?

Answer: An Jung-Geun is a famous anti-Japanese freedom fighters, it is respected by the Chinese people. China established under domestic regulations the facility, fully justified, does not accept the Japanese side called the "protest". Recently, Japan leaders in history on the issue of pervasive cause its Asian neighbors and the international community on high alert and strong opposition. We demand the Japanese side to face up to history and reflection, attitudes, correct errors, take concrete actions to win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community.

(Original title: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United States Deputy Secretary of State to visit China, Syria issues questions and answers)

(Edit: SN064)January 20, 2014 China News Network(外交部:不接受日方对安重根纪念馆“抗议”|外交部|安重根纪念馆|日方_新闻资讯

  中新网1月20日电 据外交部网站消息,外交部发言人洪磊20日主持例行记者会,就美常务副国务卿伯恩斯访华、叙利亚问题、安重根纪念馆等答记者问。






























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