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Shanghai will step up its efforts to control PM2.5, promote the defence of Yangtze River Delta joint control

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/20 9:17:25 Browse times: 336 Comment times: 0

Shanghai will step up its efforts to control PM2.5, promote the defence of Yangtze River Delta joint control(上海将加大力度治理PM2.5,推动长三角联防联控)

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Shanghai will step up its efforts to control PM2.5 to promote protection, joint control of Yangtze River Delta | PM2.5| Yang Xiong | the Huangpu River _ news

  Yang Xiong, the Mayor made the Government work reports, to promote decentralization and strengthening management innovation to improve the governance ability

  Let go of the tube of the right control handle

  Accelerate the construction of "four" contributing to transformation and upgrading

Author: Zhang Chi

Washington Mayor Yang Xiong said in the report, to promote the "four"-building, the development of modern service industry. Actively cooperate with the country's financial management, promote the construction of crude oil futures, insurance exchanges, agglomeration of financial institutions, support for new formats such as Internet banking, new institutional development of private finance, improve the Lujiazui-Bund area service features. Focus on shipping services upgrades, development of shipping, shipping insurance, maritime law, cruise economy as well as shipping services. Implementing the business transformation to be fast, competitive upgrade plan, promote the development of traditional business and e-commerce integration.

Yang Xiong said, to promote the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing sector. Major projects of innovation and original project investment and financing system. To put in place to encourage the use of new technologies to transform traditional industries, new model policies measures, full use of the market mechanism, iron and steel, petrochemicals, electronics, automobile and other industries increase energy levels. Eliminate backward production capacity of high pollution and high energy consumption, high risk on 500 or so, promote the transformation of the industrial block and Takahashi, taopu, South regional restructuring.

Standards promote the construction of major projects and key areas. Start the construction of Line 5 line South extension line, Line 14, Line 17 line 103 km of rail transit lines, promoting the construction of 65 kilometres of rail lines to speed up construction, line line Line 13 and Line 16 built some sectors, operating route length reached 548 km.

Promoting the development and construction of the Expo show pattern basically completed HongQiao National Convention Centre, promoting Disney's operation of the project preparation, beach, xuhui before pushing North Bund of Huangpu River, South Bund, Riverside development and construction.

  Construction innovation and entrepreneurship service platform that allows people to Shanghai dreams

Washington Mayor Yang Xiong said in the report, we should establish and improve enterprise-centered, market-oriented technological innovation system. Encourage enterprises to establish product design, technical development and systems integration engineering platform. Implementation of the demonstration area of Zhang Jiang development planning framework and deepening the incentive pilot to promote University, technology parks, public development community linkage models, wider cultivation characteristics of a regional innovation clusters. Improve the public finance technology input mechanisms, increase the proportion of stable funding support and improve investment efficiency.

Developed and implemented a new round of smart city-building three-year action programme, continue to advance, wireless broadband City urban construction, strive for fourth generation mobile communication network covering the central urban area, basically built the Asia Pacific through undersea cables to ensure network and information security. Promote informatization and industrialization deep integration, facilitating networking, cloud computing, big data, and so widely used.

Focus areas of focus, continue to implement the national plan of various talents and the city and grow talents of leading. Implementation of professional and technical personnel of knowledge engineering. Fostering innovation and entrepreneurship culture, construction of service platform for innovation and entrepreneurship, sound market-oriented talent introduction mechanism, allowing all kinds of talented people are willing to come to Shanghai dreams, to dream in Shanghai.

  Jobs and further two 500,000 elderly people living at home in retirement

Washington Mayor Yang Xiong said in its report, to promote higher-quality employment. Focus on the promotion of employment difficulty for university graduates, youth and employment, new jobs by 500,000. Implementation of business employment policy to help 10,000 people success. Encouraging employment officers in greening the city, property management, service and agriculture areas such as employment, Government organs and public institutions to absorb employment for persons with disabilities.

Strengthening social security and pension services. Raise the level of pensions, the unified basic old-age insurance system for urban and rural residents, improve basic medical stay hospital reimbursement ratio. Adjusting urban and rural minimum standards, helping and supporting the full implementation of integrated rural and expanded spending due to illness-assisted living of poor families benefit from surface. Continue to refine the social old-age service system, new pension and 5,000 beds, 290,000 for community aged care to the elderly.

Improve housing security and supply system. New financing of affordable housing and implementation of comprehensive reconstruction and 55,000 units of old housing, basically built to 110,000 units. Improve housing security management mechanism to speed up large residential communities supporting construction. Demolition of 550,000 square metres of housing in the downtown old II, advancing the urban.

Yang Xiong said that to deepen comprehensive reforms in the area of education. Promote balanced development of compulsory education quality, enhanced funding for basic education and manpower at the municipal level to accelerate quality education resources in their expansion into the suburbs. Lighten the students ' homework, giving children more time to know nature, development interests, enhance the body. Develop discipline layout layout structure for higher education planning, planning, planning of modern vocational education system, a sound financial investment system of higher education, expansion of College autonomy in the provision.

Deepening health system reform. Public welfare, continue to promote the reform of public hospitals, improve and promote new management and operating mechanism of the tertiary hospitals, advance part of the level-II hospital for rehabilitation institutions in transition. Strengthening connotation construction of community health service center, full implementation of the household doctor system, establish and improve the two-way referral system. Sound basic drug pooled-procurement mechanism. Perfection prepaid total Medicare policies. Strengthening health information application.

  Extensive dream advocacy and creative industries competitiveness in China

Washington Mayor Yang Xiong said in a statement, promote coordinated development of mass sports and competitive sports, deepening the combination of sports and education, and comprehensively promote the construction of sports life 30-minute expanded sports venues open for public welfare, promoting construction of national sports training base, Chongming, running the city, the 15th National Games.

Mayor Yang Xiong said in the report, to improve comprehensive qualities of urban civilization and the public. Extensive Chinese dream awareness-raising activities, actively cultivate and practice the Socialist core values, promoting Wikipedia, the pursue is remarkable, enlightened wisdom, atmosphere and courteous spirit of the city.

Improve the quality and effectiveness of public cultural services. Construction of modern public cultural service system, establishment of Government purchases of public cultural service system, promote the socialization of community cultural center, professional management. Improving the competitiveness of cultural and creative industries. Deepening the reform of State-owned cultural enterprises, reduce social capital threshold to expand open areas such as film and television producers and distributors to encourage fair competition and common development of all kinds of market. Promotion of culture and fusion of finance, science and technology, education and tourism development. Improve the ability of cultural originality. Perfect integrated environment of cultural innovation, gathering more masters of masters, encourage more young talents come to the fore, promotion of cultural development of richer, more optimized environment, the rule of law more perfect, more diverse, talent and growth.

  PM2.5 enhanced governance to promote joint defense of Yangtze River Delta joint control

Washington Mayor Yang Xiong said in the report, to promote the economical and intensive use of resources. Explore the eco-line system, improve the ecological compensation mechanism. Implement the most strict arable land protection and land-use systems, implementation of the full life-cycle management of land use, exploring the secondary development of new models, strengthen the regulation of illegal and idle land, increase land use efficiency and effectiveness. Objective to improve energy-saving duty assessment, develop key areas and key unit of energy management, strictly implement the system of energy-saving assessment review, development of carbon emissions trading.

Strengthen the governance of atmospheric environment in particular PM2.5. Complete efficient dust removal renovation and denitrification for coal-fired power plant, speed up the coal-fired boilers and furnaces for clean energy alternatives, eliminating 70,000 cars trade-in vehicles to strengthen volatile organic compounds and dust control. Improving ambient air monitoring and early-warning capacity, improve pollution emergency response system. Promoting the protection, control of atmospheric pollution in Yangtze River Delta region.

  Contain serious security incidents strictly implement the system of residence permits

Washington Mayor Yang Xiong said in the report, enhanced security development concept, strict implementation of corporate responsibility, regulatory responsibilities of government departments and grassroots territorial management responsibilities must be duty bound to defend the territory of one's country, resolutely curb serious accidents. Ways of improving food and drug safety supervision, strengthen the construction of grass-roots monitoring networks. Improve County emergency management system.

Strengthening normalized management of the city. Focuses the masses feel strongly disordered shetan, highlighting issues such as illegal building, pay close attention to keeping control of urban management, further improve the appearance of the city. Integrated base management resources, promote grid management, joint service, linkage and "12,345" public service hotline, integrate interactive, found on a full range of the construction and disposal mechanisms. Speeding up the construction of the integrated transport system.

Yang Xiong said that to speed up the formation of political and social interaction, gravity sinks, solution-oriented manner of social governance. Adhere to legal and stable employment, a legal and stable living benchmark, strengthening management of population services, strictly implement the points system as the main system of residence permits. Guide and mobilize the masses according to self serving, self management, strengthen the grass-roots level there is information such as population, employment security services to alleviate the burden on villagers ' Committee, lets concentrate on residents ' autonomy of village committees, villagers ' self-government. Contract services Centre for community "inadmissible".

Mayor Yang Xiong said in the report, in order to uphold planning guide, during integration, eco-livable city, promote the healthy development of urbanization. To start a new round of urban master planning, strengthen planning and management. Classification of advancing the construction of the new city, promoting the city comprehensive development. Deepening the reform of small towns development pilot. Adhere to local conditions and respect farmers ' wishes, highlighting rural characteristics, construction of beautiful countryside. Innovation of agricultural management system, improve domestic farm support policies, development of various forms of scale.

Yang Xiong said, insist on urban and rural integration, standardized and orderly, farmers benefit from actively promoting rural reform. Deepening the reform of property right system of village-level collective economic organizations, conducted trial reform of property right system of Township, improvement of farmers ' replacement pilot policy, high voltage cable, high speed railway, key regional priorities into selected areas along the highway. Uphold and improve the basic rural operation system, comprehensive implementation of rural land contractual management rights, encourages contracting to family farms, farmers ' cooperative and orderly flow. Exploration of the establishment of the integrated urban and rural construction land market, safeguard farmers ' interests.

  Talking about talents

Focus areas of focus, continue to implement the national plan of various talents and the city and grow talents of leading. Implementation of professional and technical personnel of knowledge engineering. Fostering innovation and entrepreneurship culture, construction of service platform for innovation and entrepreneurship, sound market-oriented talent introduction mechanism, allowing all kinds of talented people are willing to come to Shanghai dreams, to dream in Shanghai.

Improve the ability of cultural originality. Perfect integrated environment of cultural innovation, gathering more masters of masters, encourage more young talents come to the fore, promotion of cultural development of richer, more optimized environment, the rule of law more perfect, more diverse, talent and growth.

Lighten the students ' homework, giving children more time to know nature, development interests, enhance the body.

  Talk about decentralization

According to "two high and two low, two respected" requirements, promote decentralization, strengthening of management innovation, improving governance capacity to minimize government intervention in microeconomic maximum stimulates market dynamism and vitality of society.

Speed up the transformation of government functions, and strive to put in place the right to let go, put the tube tube tube well. Innovative government services management. Increasing use of marketization and socialization and information to improve administrative efficiency. Improve administrative transparency and promote results management of decisions in an open, open, open services, open.

  On the construction of the Government

Results of the consolidation and development of educational practice activities, promotion of style normal, long lasting. Strengthening the construction of anti-corruption system, firmly putting power in system cages. Accept supervision of the municipal people's Congress and its Standing Committee in accordance with law, and accept the democratic supervision of the CPPCC, attention to the administration of Justice, public opinion, public scrutiny.

  Discussion on urban management

Government departments must be duty bound to defend the territory of one's country, resolutely curb serious accidents.

Strengthening normalized management of the city. Focuses the masses feel strongly disordered shetan, highlighting issues such as illegal building, pay close attention to keeping control of urban management, further improve the appearance of the city.

Taken from the municipal government work report

(Edit: SN010)January 20, 2014 Jiefang Daily(上海将加大力度治理PM2.5 推动长三角联防联控|PM2.5|杨雄|黄浦江_新闻资讯


  该放的权放开到位 该管的事管住管好

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  本报讯 杨雄市长在报告中说,要推进“四个中心”建设,发展现代服务业。积极配合国家金融管理部门,推动原油期货上市、保险交易所建设,集聚功能性金融机构,支持互联网金融等新业态、民营金融等新型机构发展,提升陆家嘴—外滩金融集聚区服务功能。聚焦航运服务业升级,发展航运金融、航运保险、海事法律、邮轮经济等高端航运服务业。实施商业转型提速、竞争力提升计划,促进传统商业与电子商务融合发展。




  建创新创业服务平台 让人才能在上海圆梦

  本报讯 杨雄市长在报告中说,要建立健全以企业为主体、市场为导向的技术创新体系。鼓励企业建立具有产品设计、技术开发和系统集成能力的工程化平台。落实张江示范区发展规划纲要,深化股权激励试点,推广大学校区、科技园区、公共社区联动发展模式,更大范围培育具有区域特色的创新集群。健全财政科技投入机制,加大稳定支持经费的比例,提高资金使用效益。



  就业岗位再增50万个 29万老人可居家养老

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  广泛开展中国梦宣传 提高创意产业竞争力

  本报讯 杨雄市长在报告中说,促进群众体育和竞技体育协调发展,深化体教结合,全面推进30分钟体育生活圈建设,扩大体育场馆公益性开放,推进崇明国家级体育训练基地建设,办好市第十五届运动会。



  加大力度治理PM2.5 推动长三角联防联控

  本报讯 杨雄市长在报告中说,要全力推进资源节约集约利用。探索生态红线制度,完善生态补偿机制。落实最严格的耕地保护和土地利用制度,实施土地利用全生命周期管理,探索土地二次开发新模式,加大违法用地和闲置土地的整治力度,提高土地利用效率和效益。加强节能目标责任考核,推进重点领域和重点单位节能管理,严格落实节能评估审查制度,发展碳排放交易。


  遏制重特大安全事故 严格落实居住证制度

  本报讯 杨雄市长在报告中说,要增强安全发展理念,严格落实企业主体责任、政府部门监管责任和基层属地管理责任,务必做到守土有责,坚决遏制重特大安全事故发生。完善食品药品安全监管方式,加强基层监管网络建设。完善区县应急管理体系。



















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