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Departure of Guangdong’s financial Director, explained officials fault: lack of experience

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/20 9:14:08 Browse times: 266 Comment times: 0

Departure of Guangdong’s financial Director, explained officials fault: lack of experience(广东财政厅长解释官员被挑刺欲离场:经验不足)

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Guangdong's financial Director, explained officials quibbled about departure: inexperienced | financial experience _ | | dispersal news

Ocean NET (reporter Rochelle Huang Jiayu Ken Lee) the afternoon of January 19, 12 session of the NPC delegation in Guangzhou, Guangdong in the first group to discuss the venue's lively press conference. Not only the representatives of the Group of energetic seated, various media reporters gathered here. This is why? Originally, Deputy Director of Guangdong Finance Department Director Zeng Zhiquan carrying Choi Ye Meifen "complain of".

According to a media report in Guangzhou yesterday, Guangdong Province NPC group scrutinizing the budget reports, balance of 2013 budget spending and the actual expenditures in the province reached 70 billion. Representative Zhu Sui: "cost overruns and there's always a reason, right? "The Finance Department Deputy Director Ye Meifen refused twice looking for reasons to go:" we still have a lot of questions, leaves office, to be right. ”

The story of "deputies quibbled about departure of Deputy Director of the budget twice was stopped" for the title after it has been published, was widely distributed on the network and triggered heated discussions, 19th afternoon, journalists at the scene shouting, "leaves you on the front page of the Office"!

"This came to Guangzhou a group I has several layer meaning: a is further listening listening representative were on financial budget draft has what questions and recommends; II is to members representative explained about, yesterday Ye Meifen Deputy Director in report considered in the ahead of away from field, is because to to Guangzhou other Group heard views, on this in online caused has some misunderstanding, some comments not meet facts, hopes members representative understanding. "Zeng Zhiquan to the venue, just straight to delegates, apologized and thanked.

He explained that as part of the Government, deputies review as accurate as possible detailed, more conducive to doing financial work will help ease pressure on his decision. "How to advance the work of the financial, I am willing to accept your supervision. Director of yesterday's comments caused some misunderstandings might be young and inexperienced, I had serious criticism of her. ”

During Zeng Zhiquan special media reporters on the scene said, thanked journalists for Guangdong's financial work, as always, support, "as Finance Director, I'm going to let go of mind to listen to members ' views, also hope that the media will just report".

(Edit: SN091)January 19, 2014 Ocean NET(广东财政厅长解释官员被挑刺欲离场:经验不足|离场|财政|经验_新闻资讯

  大洋网讯 (记者谢尔 黄嘉瑜 李光裕) 1月19日下午,十二届广东人代会广州代表团第一组的讨论会场的热闹得与记者发布会一样。不仅小组的代表们都精神奕奕地落座现场,各路媒体记者也聚集在此。这是为什么呢?原来,广东财政厅厅长曾志权携财厅副厅长叶梅芬在此“叫屈”。


  该报道以“人大代表挑刺财政预算 副厅长两度离场被拦”为标题被刊发后,在网络上被广泛转载并引发热烈讨论,19日下午,现场有记者大喊:“叶厅你上头条了”!





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