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Corrupt officials in Henan Readme with steel cabinets in cash, 2 times a week feel

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/20 9:14:02 Browse times: 316 Comment times: 0

Corrupt officials in Henan Readme with steel cabinets in cash, 2 times a week feel(河南贪官自述用铁柜放现金,每周看2次心情舒畅)

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Corrupt officials in Henan Readme with steel cabinets cash 2 times a week offering cash _ | | official steel cabinets | news

The Henan business news (Xinhua Zhao Qiang Yang Xiaonan Chen Xiaoli) yesterday, the provincial NPC delegation reports of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou Procuratorate Procurator-General Yang Zuwei, representatives of the provincial people's Congress, said that now its caseload, but cases involving millions of dollars above the low, rather less work in the future, to do big.

Case, much less a problem for France, seized both houses of common issues, the Procuratorate of Zhengzhou city, described Yang Zuwei, hospital cases accounted for 1/5~1/6 of the Prosecutor's Office every year.

"The cases are increasing, although I feel it's digging deep enough, such as mining for nest, series case. "Yang Zuwei said the typical manifestation of this problem is that small cases, priority handling.

He said that by the standards of Henan, corruption and embezzlement of more than 50,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan and referred to as "major" Department level cadres at and above the call of duty crime of "body". "Now, low standards in cases, involving millions of Yuan over the case had done too little. ”

Corruption cases are a sensitive topic, said Yang Zuwei, "corruption is like drug addicts, once stained, and wouldn't let go. We had one case, officials were reviewing, said that he had a iron Cabinet just for cash, he twice a week. Everyone was wondering, he said looking at heart at ease. ”

He said, are now talking about "both the Tigers and SWAT a fly", which refers to the size of the, "actually has some small, but the values involved are considerable. ”

"Make sure you dig, rather less case, case is going to have larger, so that they will have positive social effects. "Yang Zuwei said.

(Original title: I have checked officials have a iron Cabinet just for cash at home twice a week)

January 20, 2014 Henan business daily(河南贪官自述用铁柜放现金 每周看2次心情舒畅|官员|铁柜|现金_新闻资讯

  河南商报讯(记者 赵强 杨晓楠 陈晓丽)昨天,省人代会郑州代表团审议报告时,省人大代表、郑州市检察院检察长杨祖伟说,现在案件增多,但案值百万元以上的大案偏少,今后宁可少办案,也要办大案。







(原标题:有个被查官员家里有个铁柜子 专门放现金每星期看两次)


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