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Zhanjiang, Guangdong, former Director of the Education Bureau, has been dual-drive,

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/16 12:25:36 Browse times: 290 Comment times: 0

Zhanjiang, Guangdong, former Director of the Education Bureau, has been dual-drive,(广东湛江教育局原局长因违纪违法被双开,)

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Guangdong Zhanjiang City Board of education, former Director General, has been formally | Chen Yansheng | double | Board of Education Secretary _ news

CNS, Zhanjiang, January 16 (reporter Liang Cheng)-Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province discipline Inspection Commission certified 16th through its official microblog news release, former Director General Chen Yansheng in Zhanjiang City Board of education due to violation of law, has been expelled, dismissed the Executive public office "double" punishment.

According to the discipline Inspection Commission of Zhanjiang municipality confirmed that at present, Chen Yansheng corruption case has been transferred to judicial departments for further investigation.

According to Zhanjiang city discipline Inspection Commission informed sources said Chen Yansheng was Zhanjiang City Board of Education Secretary during the advantage, for the benefit of others, clothing supplies, accepting a bribe in the milk supply and promotion of cadres 435,000 yuan. During the investigation of the case, Chen voluntarily accepting the other person wouldn't and bonus gifts to 1.982 million Yuan and other issues. In May 2013, Chen Yansheng were transferred to judicial organs, in November of the same year, Chen Yansheng was expelled from the party, the administrative sanction of expulsion.

It is understood that Chen Yansheng starting from February 2003 to sed in Zhanjiang city post, have until February 2012 general election continued again. In June of the same year, Chen Yansheng organized sector adjustment investigator for the Board, not in charge of specific tasks. (End text)

(Edit: SN091)January 16, 2014 China News Network(广东湛江教育局原局长因违纪违法被双开 |教育局|陈炎生|局长_新闻资讯

  中新网湛江1月16日电 (记者 梁盛) 广东省湛江市纪委16日通过其官方认证微博发布消息称,湛江市教育局原局长陈炎生因违纪违法,目前已受到开除党籍、开除行政公职“双开”处分。





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