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Professor NPC: genetically modified two focus of controversy-free, are non-rational

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Professor NPC: genetically modified two focus of controversy-free, are non-rational(人大教授:转基因两大派争论无焦点,都是非理性)

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Professor NPC: GM two camps with no contention is irrational | GM information security _ news | technology |

  Genetically modified food you eat?

Recently, the Vice Minister of agriculture Chen Xiaohua said at a news conference, GM developed to actively promote caution. GM--the controversial new agricultural technology: on the one hand in the relevant researchers and agro-industry insiders, is the technology can improve the quality of agricultural products, increase production. And on the other hand, and opponents in some doubt in the public's eyes, the risks it is hard to judge, security testing technologies. So, what GM is about? What security does not secure it? Why it attracted so much controversy? CCTV financial channel moderator contributing commentator Shen Zhu and College of agriculture and rural development, Renmin University Professor Zheng Fengtian, Hong Zhang common prominent commentators commented.

GM brings together food and farm safety, differences between apparent cognitive judgments about the public? What happens to GM's fate in the future?

  Zheng Fengtian: GM's core technology in the hands of the Americans ahead of us on the staple food is a little too

(The financial review special commentator of CCTV)

From GM technology, our country is actually just beginning, compared with the developed countries, we still lag behind a lot, but GM technology does have a lot of potential in the future, so China should step up research and development in this area. On transgenic technology promotion, however, there are still many doubts in many countries, including Europe, Japan, and are very careful. So in this regard is necessary when the vanguard of our country, in fact I think they should send two views together. Biology of these people think that genetically modified without any problems, should be promoted, but now the State wants you to do research. The other hand, market participants or ordinary people may feel that since GM we have doubts, there is controversy and circumspection. So from this perspective, should be responsive to an outcome. Transgenic technology one of the biggest problems is that we can bring some unique information extracted DNA, put it in some crops we need to go and make it produce what we need. They are artificial changes in molecular structure, this is the heart of genetically modified stuff.

Two of our country on the international and domestic institutions also had a point. For most simple example, I think we should import of genetically modified soybeans, there was no problem, came in from the country, these soybeans must enter the refinery, without access to the common bean germplasm. Homemade basically have to insist that we retain a non-GMO soybeans, used by the Chinese to drink soy milk, bean curd, tofu, which is a very good control. If you want to allow domestic GM, we identified small farmers of the country and unlikely to be genetically modified so that you can find non-GMO soybeans and tofu.

Our GM technology compared with the world's most advanced biotechnology, or behind a lot, now many transgenic core technology in the hands of the Americans. On staple food but we were a little ahead of, commercialization of advanced, technically they go way back. United States GM rice, GM maize, genetically modified technology of wheat go way back.

  Zhang Hong: no entry of transgenic crops can be promoted

(The financial review CCTV commentator)

Promotion to be more cautious, is developing actively, which is said to these people, as well as scientists in molecular biology. We carefully research and development, which is a technology of the future, we are going to be leading. The promotion aimed at the public, now that the public are in doubt, we need careful promotion. GM technology is not to say that all the dishes were all back in and it can actually be down to one technology. This plant was transferred, it is not bugs, and then through a series of experiments found it is very safe indeed.

Such as cotton, cotton, many of which are genetically modified in China now, okay, don't eat into the belly, well, you get promoted. It should be possible to staple foods, for example, may involve everyone concerned, may not have a complete series of experiments proved to be completely safe, that would be a little cautious. But there is one point I disagree. Is the Ministry of agriculture said was at the same time, said China has clear rules on importing genetically modified agricultural products, provided that they meet China's trade demand, complies with the relevant safety standards for imports will not be a problem, which is equal to our domestic and import are two standards.

  Zheng Fengtian: the disputed cases to enable members of the public can have a choice

(The CCTV financial review special commentator)

Hybrid is a combination of nature between the two crops, it is an evolution of rice for thousands of years, natural thing after many years of evolution, humans have adapted to it. GM is artificially insert something, when we don't know if it's going to produce some new things there are side effects to the human body, which is about the problem. I think that the two are not very rational, to an extreme. Turn would generally be of biological origin, and these people have a preference, believe it has no any problems. Reverse this thing came up again, to pieces, so this argument does not have the focus of the two largest, are incompatible, are irrational.

As the general public, we hope to be able to give us the benefits of GM will be made use of, to the maximum extent possible to avoid side effects. Is genetically modified food should be banned. When I buy things, if you really see the label, I try not to buy it, as in contentious cases, I have a choice. When I have a choice, I may tend to be more conservative. Young men like bold, generally older men or lesbians may be more conservative, especially lesbians have children, have a knowledge of Basic.

Genetically modified food security in tied together, future food security all rely on GM, and even agricultural technology on a par with GM as a whole, these are very dangerous. Transgenic technology is very broad, I think we must make no mistake, you don't give it to kidnap the wrong. Say you get genetically engineered pharmaceutical, cotton genetically modified something that we don't eat, these are no problem. Of course once in a while a little, like corn, soybean, soybean oil, it don't matter. But you have to kidnap transgenic rice with us, with kidnapping of wheat, is actually man-made GM introduced to a dead end, there is no need.

  Hong Zhang: if GM is the future direction of development that we today be quick development

(The CCTV financial review commentator)

I also puzzled at first, because I'm a liberal arts students, this year genetically modified arguments are too strong for me, so I've been to catch up, here a few times quite turn and reverse activity. I think such activities are particularly good, the Government should encourage such activities, including on television should be more universal sense.

I took part in the activities of the GM try to eat, I've ever had, but according to comrade Fang zhouzi, that there isn't really a genetically modified, but it does at least show you I'm just eat, you know? At least when I eat, I thought it was genetically modified.

Also mentioned by some experts, one which we ordinary people concerned about food safety issues, associates say, but he has a layer on the root is not trusted. Secondly, environmental issues, environmental safety. Objections from some of the EU is actually very large environments, they feel that gene, may have implications for the soil. Third, industrial security, is to assume that GM really are the future development direction, that today we are going to get the development, study, be sure to catch as much as possible, at the time when we should at least keep up. Otherwise, we said today against others, we do not develop in the future, we reject, really came to that era when we're not unprepared it? So it comes to China, for example food industry issues. Now, like soybeans, we have a large number of United States imports, and are all genetically modified imports.

  Zheng Fengtian: the two camps with no contention is irrational

(The financial review special commentator of CCTV)

Actually I see Americans lately a lot of science in conducting an interpretation, science as we think, it is not necessarily completely scientific? In fact, I think the debate more sounds, more transparent, it's the best.

Why GM of Europe with great care, he used to put in a lot of things, like mad cow disease and so on, so he's very cautious. Americans now have two objections in the country, including the recent United States States argue or not to this label. In fact, you generally say that Americans are eating genetically modified, or Europe people don't eat, this is not serious. In addition, this irrational view of our country, I think it might tend to lose a lot of opportunities, and GM can bring great benefits in the future, especially genetically modified pharmaceutical, human disease, they were not the rule of law. You have a lot of GM technology, pharmaceutical good cotton crops, non-food, don't eat it. But if you want to equate genetically modified us, GM is GM rice, do you object to genetically modified rice, think you're anti-GMO, which seems a bit wrong, right?

I think GM is really one of food production, in fact, our country's reform and opening up to now, there have been no famine. Because the core is the price, like many in the South can grow three rice man, he began to grow two rice can grow two rice, he grows rice, some hillside agricultural equipment can't go, he won't be a kind, so prices are the core. If the price is right we should solve the food problem, that's more than most of GM technology to. You're not a single-minded, all about food security, that is genetically modified, it's gone whole everyone into a dead end.

  Zhang Hong: we believe in science, but do not underestimate the public

(The financial review CCTV commentator)

For regular people, especially for liberal arts students to understand that things are too difficult. It has a threshold, information asymmetry. Just like you go to see a doctor, you have to believe the doctor. Although he opened a drug, you think antibiotics, you can ask questions, but he explained it to you probably know, you can go ahead. Threshold for solve this problem there are a variety of ways, for example if you go to the United States to explore, you'll find, though ordinary people feel that GM may be a lot of people feel that there is no security problem, but he probably believed FBI, government departments, is the Bureau of food and drug safety, they say promote, ripe, says GM, marketing, he probably can. So he is not blind in fact, behind the system supports. This one is for you take this threshold, making it a little lower.

Second, when you express yourself, you also create a, so it this threshold will probably be worn away. So I go to the event, I get the most important information, and me has a bit of assurance is a scientist faced with such a question to answer, questions are harmless says there is no proof genetically modified, that is completely proved, because you eat a dozen years, 20 years, harmful to do in the future? Scientists say, says science has confirmed that, if it proved harmful, then it's bad. There is also a way to falsify, if we exhaust all means of science, no way to prove it is harmful, then we'll consider it to be harmless. I think I understand this as a liberal arts students, I believe. My conclusion of a fence is a man of science, but do not underestimate public opinion.

January 16, 2014(人大教授:转基因两大派争论无焦点 都是非理性|转基因|技术|安全_新闻资讯

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