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Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to joint US-South Korea military exercises: the hope that all parties exercise restraint

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/16 12:23:15 Browse times: 265 Comment times: 0

Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to joint US-South Korea military exercises: the hope that all parties exercise restraint(外交部回应美韩联合军演:希望各方保持克制)

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to joint US-South Korea military exercises: I hope that all parties to exercise restraint | | Hong Lei | comfort _ for Foreign Affairs news

 Q: it is reported that held in Beijing today, representatives from Russia, India and Afghanistan issues. Please confirm and describe the situation.

A: Afghanistan future developments concerning peace and stability in the region. As Afghanistan neighbors, together with countries in the region and the international community, China is willing to support Afghanistan in rebuilding peace and reconciliation process, to safeguard Afghanistan and the peace, stability and development in the region. You mentioned about the meeting, we will develop updated the news.

 Q: it is reported that North Korea said today, United States, and Korea annual joint military exercises to be held in February or March was a direct provocation. Does China hold the same view?

A: China's position on the Korean peninsula issue is consistent and clear. We stand for maintaining peace and stability on the Korean peninsula through dialogue to resolve the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula. Maintaining peace and stability on the Korean peninsula is the joint responsibility of all parties, in line with the common interests of all parties. Current situation on the Korean peninsula in General is still quite fragile. We hope that all parties concerned to exercise restraint and to refrain from initiatives to stimulate each other, maintain and consolidate the current stable momentum.

 Q: it is reported that Korea women's family Ministry said on 14th plan as laid out in Korea, China and the comfort women by the Japanese record piracy in Southeast Asia, and plan together with the affected countries such as China, Southeast Asian countries ' piracy. 15th through US Congress House of representatives United States Government FY 2014 Government spending bill, which calls for the United States Secretary of State, urged Japan to comply with the House of representatives passed in 2007 "comfort women resolution." China's comment on this?

A: the forced recruitment of "comfort women" is a Japan militarism during the second world war, including China, Korea and Southeast Asian countries invaded, people committed serious crimes against humanity.

China and South Korea and other Asian countries had similar encounters in Japanese history-related issues and common concerns. China will work with include Korea, affected countries in Asia, jointly maintaining historical justice, urged Japan to correctly understand history and soul-searching together, take concrete actions to win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community.

  Q: it is reported that Thailand launched by the opposition "blocked Bangkok" has entered the fourth day of action, Thailand Prime Minister Britain says will not delay the election date. China's comment on this?

A: China has been highly concerned about Thailand development and support Thailand relevant parties to proceed from the national interests and the well-being of the people, properly solve the current problems, restore national stability and order as soon as possible to avoid further destabilization of the situation.

  Q: China's Government has recently stepped up to the West of the country notes seem Japan in the wrong words and deeds on the issue of history's publicity efforts, such as resident United Kingdom ambassadors in the local paper wrote an article criticizing Japan, Shenyang, China organized foreign journalists to interview Japanese forces in countries such as Britain and the United States held captive soldiers during World War II. China-related initiatives aimed at reminding us-Australia and other Western countries, Japan was responsible for crimes of aggression against them, so countries should stand together with China?

A: Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine, is a violation of the conscience of humanity and justice, and is a provocation to the victory of World War II. China's Foreign Ministry and the Chinese Embassy to the national media and local community to reveal the nature of Abe's visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, noting that its acts are attempting to beautify Japan militarist war of aggression and colonial rule, war criminals started propaganda centering, negation of the United Nations Charter and runs counter to the fundamental interests of the peoples of the world. Suggested that countries should clear understanding of Abe's visits to the threat to world peace, be wary of Abe's operations together to maintain life for millions of people all over the world for World War II victory, based on fascist and militarist justice trials after World War II the international order and settlement, and as the Foundation of modern peace and security of the United Nations Charter, reinstating should never be allowed. Voice of Justice spread throughout the world, and received widespread attention from the international community.

 Q: in addition to Russia, India and Afghanistan consultations in addition to China and Russia, Pakistan and other countries in Afghanistan also has a similar dialogue on the issue. Has China for the 2014 US troops evacuate Afghanistan prepare after?

A: we have held consultations with interested parties to jointly maintain regional peace and stability. Because the Afghanistan situation was a matter of peace and stability in the region. We always respect Afghanistan's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the State, respect the Afghanistan people's choice of development road according to its own national conditions, and supports Afghanistan to achieve a smooth transition, improving and developing relations with countries in the region. We hope that "Arab-led, all Albanian people" making early substantive progress in the process of reconciliation. Parties concerned should effectively implement the Afghanistan commitment to peace and reconstruction, on issues related to respect and accommodate the legitimate concerns of countries in the region.

This year, China will host the Afghanistan problem process fourth meeting of Foreign Ministers in Istanbul, China will continue to work in Afghanistan played an active and constructive role in the process of reconstruction and reconciliation.

(Edit: SN091)January 16, 2014 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs website(外交部回应美韩联合军演:希望各方保持克制|外交部|洪磊|慰安妇_新闻资讯
















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