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Lok Bureau-level cadres of Guangzhou 90% on commercial bribery

Writer: delv Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/1/16 12:22:56 Browse times: 339 Comment times: 0

Lok Bureau-level cadres of Guangzhou 90% on commercial bribery(广州落马局级干部九成倒在商业贿赂)

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Lok Ma 90% down on commercial bribery Bureau-level cadres of Guangzhou Guangzhou | | Lok | bribes _ news

Nan Guo Qing and 49 years old, Xie Xuening 53 years old ... ... These Lok officials last year, age is not large, but people see the amount of money involved. Yesterday, the Municipal Commission for discipline inspection Deputy Secretary Yan Cuifang 2013 communicated to the municipal Committee of the CPPCC Guangzhou trends in corruption cases: officials increasingly high levels, age, more and more light.

Yan Cuifang said that discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in the city last year entertained the masses to report a total of 7,225 times, declined by about 30%, early nuclear clues, however, reached 3,241, rose 6 times more than doubled.

In the officials being investigated, the number of cadres in up to 14 people. Yan Cuifang said disciplinary officials gradually higher level of duties, but age is on the decline. According to reports, officials to investigate and average age of 45.74, Department level cadres at and above the average age of 50.12. Most of the "Lok" officials, yet "we know what the" 50 years of age.

Noteworthy trend is that commercial bribery cases become more and more prominent, administrative law enforcement authorities in connection with the industry recovering from a spread to the market management. It is reported that for commercial bribery investigation of 268 last year. Department level cadres at and above the case over 60%, Bureau-level cadres at and above the case more than $ 90%. That is, 10 Investigation Bureau-level cadres, 9 down on commercial bribery.

 Investigation officials

In the officials being investigated, the number of cadres in up to 14 people. Yan Cuifang specifically refers to the sand Street, Tianhe district, Chaton enabling Group former Chairman Yang Jinxing, known as "Dr billion" bribery case. She said: "this was reported by 16 groups of Deputies, occurred at the grassroots and the masses around the case. ”

  Further that management of cadres

Baiyun district, former Party Secretary, the city health authority the original Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee Gu Wenyao

The district Party Committee Standing Committee and Executive Vice Governor Zhong Xiangdong

Former Mayor Guo Qing, conghua and

Former Director General of Bureau of Guangzhou Branch letter, Party Secretary Xie Xuening

Guangzhou Municipal animal husbandry Corporation former General Manager Wen Weilong

Non-municipal management of cadres

Guangzhou Baiyun agriculture, joint Manager of the company, State-run Xinhua Zhang involving particularly large. According to reports, up to more than 90 million Yuan bribes, more than 8 million Hong Kong dollars, in partnership with others to run away with the State-owned assets total Yuan 2.400 million dollars

 Grass-roots cadres

Tianhe district Sha Street Chaton favorable group limited the Party Secretary and Chairman Yang Jinxing bribery case

Luogang district of luogang Street long plain community branch of the original party Secretary Zhang Zhenxiong corruption nursery requisition compensation

Po village, nancun town, Panyu, Tong case, former Director of Chan Chee Keong bribery case

  GPS watch immediately leave the bus halfway

Last year in the South, in the Central "eight rules" and "anti-four winds" under high pressure, consumption of Guangzhou "Excellencies" funds, what changes? Yesterday, the Municipal Commission for discipline inspection Deputy Secretary Yan Cuifang official cars, for example, illustrates the Guangzhou about the effectiveness of the style. It is learned that the bus last year for monthly average mileage dropped by more than 50%.

"Excellencies," Fund characteristics

New halls and buildings of the city 0

Country (border) financial year fell by 2

Clear misuse of special funds for 9 dollars

City-wide meetings fell 52%

City's official car purchases and runs down 10%

Corporate hospitality financial year fell by 3

This version of writing: the South reporter Li Xiaoying intern Jie Tian

(Original title: Lok Ma 90%, Bureau-level cadres in commercial bribery)

(Edit: SN098)January 16, 2014 The Southern Metropolis daily(广州落马局级干部九成倒在商业贿赂|广州|落马|商贿_新闻资讯

  南都讯 郭清和49岁,谢学宁53岁……这些去年落马的官员,年龄不算大,涉案金额却让人触目。昨日,市纪委副书记严翠芳向市政协通报2013年广州贪腐案件呈现的趋势:官员级别越来越高,年纪越来越轻。


  被查处的官员中,市管干部的数量达14人。严翠芳说,违纪官员的职务级别渐高,但年龄层次却在下降。据介绍,查处干部平均年龄只有45.74岁,处级以上干部平均年龄为50 .12岁。即大部分“落马”官员,还没到“知天命”的50岁。











  广州市国营白云农工商联合公司经理张新华涉案金额特别巨大。据介绍,其受贿人民币高达9000多万元,港币800多万元,伙同他人侵吞国有资产合计人民币2 .4亿元






  南都讯 去年,在中央“八项规定”和“反四风”高压下,广州消耗的“三公”经费,有了怎样的变化?昨日,市纪委副书记严翠芳以公务用车为例,说明了广州关于作风建设的成效。据悉,去年公车行驶月均里程同比下降5成多。



  出国(境)经费同比下降2 4 %

  清理出违规使用专项资金9 76 8万元

  全市会议经费同比下降52 %

  全市公务用车购置和运行经费同比下降10 %

  公务接待经费同比下降3 0 %

  本版采写:南都记者 李晓瑛 实习生 解天



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