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Unbalanced development of social work in China North Canton fast growth _ Sina news

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/12 0:19:00 Browse times: 300 Comment times: 0

Unbalanced development of social work in China North Canton fast growth _ Sina news(我国社会工作发展不平衡 北上广发展较快_新浪新闻)

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China's unbalanced social work faster _ PSG development news

Development of social work in China is not in equilibrium

Faster development in Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing and other provinces is lagging behind

This Shandong (Xinhua Zhang Jie correspondent Zhai Ran) November 10th, the sixth Chinese community social work Conference held in Jinan, scholars around the "ageing and social work" and "social management innovation and youth social work" and "social work training" and other topics in depth.

Social management innovation to provide conditions for the development of social work, "professional social workers" as a career also began to get the community to agree that the national medium and long-term talent development plan (2010-2020) made it clear that by 2015, the total social work professionals to reach 2 million people, but in the view of scholars, social development still face difficulties.

University of Hong Kong Professor Leung Cho believes that social work development imbalance in China, Guangdong, Shanghai and Beijing have developed rapidly, and development is lagging in other provinces. Even in more advanced development in Guangdong Province is unbalanced, social work agencies in Pearl River Delta accounted for 97% of the province. In addition, experience talent shortage and wastage of social workers, only one-third in Guangzhou engaged in social work professionals hold certificates of qualification, 78% social workers perceived lack of skills and experience, it is difficult to meet the needs of community service, and the wastage rate of social workers in Shenzhen is close to 20%, hindering the further development of social work.

Peking University Sociology Department Professor Wang Sibin think, my of social workers career level evaluation system has relative full, but using system, and incentive system also relative lag, to promotion training system, and evaluation system, and using system of convergence, while, sound social working, needs about sector strongly of, and substantive of collaborative, to in sector system implementation file spirit Shang effort, while focused on different system policy of relative balance and coordination.

From Peking University, Hong Kong University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shandong University and other colleges and universities, hundreds of scholars attended the seminar. This Conference organised by the Hong Kong social workers Association, Shandong University, Shandong University, school of philosophy and social development to host.

(Edit: SN054)November 11, 2013 Social Sciences in China(我国社会工作发展不平衡 北上广发展较快_新闻资讯



  本报山东讯(记者张杰 通讯员翟冉)11月9—10日,第六届华人社区社会工作专业研讨会在济南举行,与会学者围绕“老龄化与社会工作”、“社会管理创新与青少年社会工作”、“社会工作人才培养”等议题展开深入研讨。






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