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The State Post Bureau:Courier express more than 60 million thing throughout the day On November 11

Writer: Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/11/12 0:17:50 Browse times: 242 Comment times: 0

The State Post Bureau:Courier express more than 60 million thing throughout the day On November 11(国家邮政局:双十一快递全天处理快件超6000万件)

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The State Post Bureau: double-11 express shipments exceed 60 million throughout the day | courier express | double | 11 _ news

On November 11, according to the State Postal Bureau monitoring, to Taobao, represented by the major network operators, total orders throughout the day about 180 million pieces of express logistics, 80% by the "Taobao", up 85% from a year earlier, expects business day transactions totalling more than 40 billion yuan. All day express delivery companies handled 6000duowanjian courier, last year's "double 11" peak of 35 million items of 1.7 times. The evening of 11th, Alibaba Group Chairman of the Board of national express gratitude, touched me most is the ' double 11' the express pulled out of MOM and dad Express, predicted after 10 express delivery staff will be more than 10 million people in China as a whole to help those express logistics company succeed, we will succeed.

Zhiqian, State post industry-wide mobilization force, be prepared in advance, and introduced the Guide to express peak service work, coordination of enterprise e-commerce interface with a major courier company established working mechanisms, strengthening the postal authorities for "double 11" postal and courier business support services. Major express companies in accordance with the laid down by the State Post Bureau "peak delivery, balanced to promote the" deployment and strengthen the Organization and command protection, investing in new, transformed over more than 300 distribution center, new main line train 2,500 new aviation daily capacity of 800 tons, while adding to the East, South, North, Northeast, Northwest and Southwest areas of the railway transport capacity.???Due to preparation, despite express orders this week are expected to continue to grow, but the industry as a whole runs a busy, order, specifications, network will return to normal after a week. Public information center

(Edit: SN089)November 12, 2013 State Post Bureau website(国家邮政局:双十一快递全天处理快件超6000万件|快递|快件|双十一_新闻资讯


  之前,国家邮政局调动全行业力量,提前做好准备,出台《快递业务旺季服务保障工作指南》,协调电子商务企业与主要快递企业建立对接工作机制,强化邮政管理部门对“双11”邮政企业和快递企业的支撑服务。各主要快递企业按照国家邮政局制定的“错峰发货,均衡推进”的部署,加强组织指挥保障,投资新建、改造分拨中心300余个,新增干线班车2500台,新增航空日均运力800吨,同时增加了华东、华南、华北区域至东北、西北、西南区域间的铁路运力。由于准备充分,虽然预计本周快递订单量还将持续增长,但行业整体运行繁忙、有序、规范,一周后网络将恢复正常。 新闻宣传中心


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