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The people’s daily published an article on the front page for three consecutive days on arid deepening the reform comprehensively

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The people’s daily published an article on the front page for three consecutive days on arid deepening the reform comprehensively(人民日报连续三天在头版刊文谈全面深化改革)

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Three consecutive days in the people's daily published an article on the front page a comprehensive reform of deepening reform | | daily | reform _ news

  Reform narrowly, consensus out (comprehensive deepening reform · consensus article)

Reporter day Pan Gang Bao Dan

Reform has always been the crucial difficulties.

35 reform, narrowly claimed passes all the way. Today, deepening the reform, but also to go forward.

"Dares to crack a hard nut, dare to question dangerous shoals, and is brave enough to break the mentality of barriers, curing interest and courage to break barriers. "XI Jinping, General Secretary of the sonorous words on the highlights of our party but the determination and confidence.

Reform when it came to slipping through.

Deep water forward, reform tasks more difficult

Standing on a new starting point for comprehensive reform, looking to the fruitful results of the reform in the past, our spirits; face the daunting task of reforming the future, our mind is not easy.

Reform from the "deep water" – the dilemma highlighted, accompanied by reform and development, economy and interwoven social contradictions.

We have just entered the "middle income countries", development task remains arduous, but found that "middle-income trap" challenge, whether China could maintain the momentum for continued development?

First steel production, coal production first, cement production the first ... ... Faced with numerous "made in China" won the first in the world, we are happy and tangle: down the chain to embarrassment, lack of "made in China" Unfortunately, resources and environmental costs of heavy, tells us in transition more difficult than growth.

Steady growth to transfer structure, to economic development but also to protect the environment, to promote resource prices the market but also to rein in inflation, to raise their wages to control business costs ... ... Reform programme development as well as the courage to choose "best".

Wallets bulging of the common people, but to "distribution" complain too much. On the urban and rural residents ' income to outperform the CPI, GDP, but "growth", "average" sound never went away. People are increasingly high expectations for social equity and justice.

"If the past more than 30 years of reform, China was ' Pareto improvement ', the vast majority of people to benefit from the reforms. Now, reform would increasingly become ' Kaldor-Hicks efficiency ', interest, promotion and adjustment coexist, the dilemma more and more. "China (Hainan), Mr. Chi Fulin said reform of the Dean.

Reform into the "critical period" – reform is full of tough hard bone, any reforms to crack the complex contradictions, to break through the constraints of knowledge and interests.

"A man of iron", hard reforms are far-reaching, Joe: deflects individual approach to reform is to succeed.

A small booklet, affects the fate of many ups and downs, preventing many people from farmers to townspeople. In today's accelerated the urbanization, the Hukou system's wound need to unlock, equalization of basic public services, reform of the social security system would also need to speed up, so more people who are already living and working in the city, equal treatment of the public.

"A man of iron", hard reform is no longer a simple emergency, but the long-term stability of the system construction.

More than 10 trillion yuan of local government debt will cause a debt crisis? Why local governments suffering from "debt-dependency"? Appears to be nearly two years highlighting the contradiction behind point to for a long time does not match the power and authority of local governments, local government functions of excessive economic, performance appraisal "only the GDP on the" underlying factors, need for comprehensive reform of the fiscal and taxation system, the performance appraisal system to transform local government functions.

Hard bone, hard is not just the promotion of the interests of the reform, but must make adjustments to the existing patterns of interest.

Interests of the reform is to adjust, reform of the Sham Shui Po District, not open around the Government and enterprises, Central and local government, urban and rural interests, such as full range of pattern adjustment, adjustment could increase the reduction of interest. "There are some unreasonable practices must be decisively corrected, some adjustment of interest structure should aim to foster new interests, in an incremental move on. "Li Zuojun researcher of development research center of the State Council said.

Not after I do not know. Ever harder, ever, on the difficulties, reformers in character. Reform ever deepening reform and tackling difficulties.

No choice, reforms must build consensus

Reforms need consensus.

Never as today concerns reform, never like this calls for reform, reform consensus is precisely the cohesion of reforms tackling difficulties, sharp-edged weapon.

Not no reform, no way.

When the haze in recent days come, when rising house prices, when "cold disease" spread, complained: "the fault of reform. "Reform is not perfect, development inevitably associated issues. Some questions that were caused by lack of experience in reform, the need for timely adjustment. There were problems, caused by exactly what reforms are not in place, needs to be consistently pursued reforms. There were problems, due to deviation of the development concept.

"Unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable in the development problem, its root cause lies in the institutional mechanism is not perfect. Powerful engine for reform is clear institutional mechanism for obstacles. "Said Zhe, Deputy Director of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC.

Reform is to change the fate of China's historical choice, explains the development of the difficulties, reform remains our only and best choice.

Reform cannot wait.

Reform will not affect social stability? Reform will lead to economic fluctuations? Reforms will inevitably be risks, how we perceive the risks?

"No reform is the greatest risk. "Wei Jianing, a researcher at the development research center of the State Council believes that in the process of reform, most terrible is not at risk, but dare not take risks, resistance does just that.

Reform time is valuable, don't speed up reforms, not help the solution of the problem, can also lead to long-standing problems difficult to return, causing a greater crisis.

Risk is not terrible, the key is rational risk, science address risks before they happen.

Reform for many years, our ability to resist risks increasing all the time. Strengthening the "top design" and "general arrangement", enhancing scientific reform, coordination, synergy, reforms to bounce back.

Reform has established.

35 reform and development, we have to deepen the reform of "good".

Economic fast development, China became world second big economic body, reform of material based more strong; socialist market economy system established, reform of system based more firm, can opened more high level of reform; times should various challenge, party accumulated has leadership reform of valuable experience, harness complex situation of capacity increasingly strong; reform of potential still is big, from economic power towards economic power, from "China manufacturing" towards "China created", from well-off towards more rich good of life, Country of 1.3 billion people turn that contain many new opportunities, also brought to reform the Executive walk a larger space.

Consensus paved the way for reforming. Condensed reform consensus road to reform offensive difficulties, in order to open.

Steadfast, more courage, wisdom

A difficult task, more stimulating reform ambitions.

Time waits for no one, ring the changes underway.

18 since the Party Central Committee and the State Council with greater courage and wisdom to firmly advance reform.

Government reform ahead. Restructuring of the State Council to promote transformation of government functions. Speeding up the reform of the administrative examination and approval, the State Department canceled delegation of administrative examination and approval matters more than more than 300. Decentralization, with governmental authority "subtraction" for increased market dynamism. Faced with the economic downturn, adhere to the transformation and upgrading of unwavering, steady growth, adjusting economic structure, maintaining a steady economic development.

Focus areas of reform is intensifying. Prices, taxation, finance, investment and financing, human security, and agricultural and rural areas, introduced a number of important reform measures. "The battalion changed increases" spread around, make them traveling light; reform of the system of commercial registration, was greatly reduced by entrepreneurial threshold; free trade zone set up in Shanghai, opening up a new breakthrough ... ... An important reform, increase economic vitality, people felt "crack a hard nut," the determination.

"The only tough, yongyi; but their relentlessly resourceful, valuable. "Fearless courage, a lot of wisdom, reform can and Dale, singing all the way.

Courage and wisdom, from the great trust of the people.

From its position at the forefront of reform and opening up, Shenzhen to open city of Lanzhou to the West, from the world's free trade zone, Shanghai to the shanty towns of the old industrial bases in baotou, one year, Member of the Standing Committee for investigation and research, 7-bit footprints all over two-thirds provinces. Love to people, ask at the decision-making level meter to the people, make people more confident.

Courage and wisdom come from reforming method is more scientific.

18 since the reform, greater emphasis on an integrated and coordinated, in collaboration with the advance. Synchronization of economic reform and social and cultural reform, promoting development and safeguarding the people's livelihood in reform coordination, the reform echoes, to create synergy. Central leading comrades of repeatedly stressed that adhere to the global and local support, radical and stopgap measures, incremental and breakthrough combining promotion of paths, the "stones" and enhancing the top design combines more prominent systemic, holistic, collaborative nature of the reform.

18 session plenary session opened new a round reform big scene, painted on "five bit one" reform of magnificent picture: accelerated development socialist market, and democratic political, and advanced culture, and harmony social, and ecological civilization, let all labor, and knowledge, and technology, and management, and capital of vitality competing burst, let all created social wealth of source full inrush current, let development results more more fair benefit all people.

The modernization of China's century-old struggle that has entered the crucial "latter half." Writing "first half" glory, "national prosperity, national revitalization, the well-being of the people" and "China dream" a dream come true, reform mission to inspire our crucial difficulties.

(Original title: reform force, embarked on the consensus (comprehensive reform · consensus article))

(Edit: SN069)November 12, 2013 People's daily online-people's daily(人民日报连续三天在头版刊文谈全面深化改革|改革|人民日报|改革开放_新闻资讯


  本报记者 潘 岗 白天亮 鲍 丹












  “如果说中国过去30多年的改革是‘帕累托改进’,绝大多数人能从改革中受益。那么现在,改革越来越会成为‘卡尔多改进’,利益增进和利益调整并存,两难情况越来越多。” 中国(海南)改革研究院院长迟福林说。


















  “不改革才是最大的风险。” 国务院发展研究中心研究员魏加宁认为,改革进程中,最可怕的不是有风险,而是一点风险也不敢冒,一遇到阻力就止步不前。























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